If you are experiencing difficulties with logging in or signing up to the Charity Portal, or having issues with the forms once you have logged in, this may be related to your device's cookies and cache, or the browser or operating system you are using. This page has instructions to clear your cookies, and check if your browser is supported.
This page provides a checklist to ensure you have on hand everything you need to complete the 2019 Annual Information Statement (AIS), as well as highlighting common mistakes to avoid when completing the AIS.
Further support and guidance, as well as links to information on the ACNC website, are contained throughout the 2019 AIS online form.
Information about submitting the 2019 Annual Information Statement for multiple charities in bulk and a downloadable copy of the 2019 Bulk Annual Information Statement.
The ACNC's Forward Together podcasts set out to inform and educate Australia's RSLs, and their leaders, on a number of topics relevant to their day-to-day work.
A checklist to ensure you have everything you need to complete your charity's 2020 Annual Information Statement.
Community sheds (men’s sheds and women’s sheds) may be eligible for deductible gift recipient (DGR) status under a specific category established in 2020. This guidance outlines the community sheds category in more detail and looks at how eligible organisations can access it.
Information about submitting the 2020 Annual Information Statement for multiple charities in bulk and a downloadable copy of the 2020 Bulk Annual Information Statement.
This Operational Procedure is issued under the authority of the Commissioner and should be read together with the ACNC Policy Framework which sets out the scope, context and definitions common to our Policy Documents.
Find out how you can participate in ACNC public consultations and contact the ACNC to offer input on policy issues.
Internal disputes within a charity are disagreements between individuals or groups about the charity's activities, decisions or policies. The ACNC does not directly intervene or mediate to resolve internal disputes.