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Our Commissioner’s Interpretation Statements are developed to help to guide charities, advisers to charities and the public about how we understand the law that applies to charities. This includes explaining relevant legislation, law made by judges (common law) and other legal issues.

Although Commissioner’s Interpretation Statements do not have the force of binding rulings, ACNC officers will apply the law as described in relevant Commissioner’s Interpretation Statements when making decisions. If the law or the Commissioner’s interpretation of the law changes, we will update any Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement affected by the change.

If a change to the law or the Commissioner’s interpretation of the law may affect a charity’s entitlement to registration, we will give the charity reasonable time to consider the implications before we consider taking any regulatory action.

We will ensure that charities that rely on our Commissioner’s Interpretation Statements are treated fairly, consistent with our objects and Regulatory Approach Statement.