The ACNC's monthly e-newsletter, The Charitable Purpose, has news and information for the charity sector. The December edition has now been sent to all charities and subscribers.
This guide examines crypto-assets in the charity context and reminds charities that cryptocurrency is generally considered a high-risk investment. As a result, charities and their Responsible People should think carefully before either accepting donations of crypto-assets or investing in these assets.
In her first Commissioner's Column, Sue Woodward AM thanks everyone for the warm welcome to her new role and reflects on the important role the Charity Register plays in enhancing public trust and confidence in the charity sector.
The ACNC's monthly e-newsletter, The Charitable Purpose, has news and information for the charity sector. The January edition has now been sent to all charities and subscribers.
New interactive courses help those who run charities identify and protect themselves from fraud and teach valuable financial management skills to assist with meeting reporting obligations to the ACNC.
The ACNC recommends that each charity records related party transactions in a register. This template register is for recording related party transactions for small charities.
In this month’s Commissioner’s column, Sue Woodward AM urges charities to collect information about related party transactions, with new rules in effect.