Search the ACNC Charity Register to find details on registered charities.
Registered charities must read and accept these Terms and Conditions in order to access the Registered Charity Tick.
The ACNC can provide you with information about charity registration, ongoing obligations, our role as the regulator, and how to raise a concern about charities. We cannot provide legal or professional advice.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvements to our service.
Our social media terms and conditions.
ACNC’s Corporate Policy on the use of Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) for disposing of low-value records.
This page contains information for registrable Australian bodies that are also registered charities. It provides an overview of when to contact ASIC or the ACNC, and how to notify the right regulator of changes to your charity’s details.
This page provides resources and guidance to those charities completing their 2017 Annual Information Statement.
This page lists resources for past Annual Information Statements, including information hubs, guides and checklists.
This checklist covers everything you will need to consider, do and have ready to complete the 2017 Annual Information Statement.