Tathra bushfires declared a disaster
On 29 March 2018, the Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, declared the Tathra bushfires (Bega Valley Shire of New South Wales) a disaster for the purposes of establishing Australian disaster relief funds.
RSL Queensland commits to rectify serious governance failures
The national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, has issued a Direction to RSL Queensland, after an investigation into the charity found serious governance failures.
ACNC registers 242 new charities in February
ACNC registers 242 new charities in February
Grant-making charities provide more than $4 billion annually, new report finds
Grant-making charities provide more than $4 billion annually in grants and donations, and hold more than $56 billion in assets, according to new research released today by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
More than 100 charities face loss of registration
The ACNC has issued a public notice to more than 100 charities to let them know that their charity registration is at risk.
Commissioner's address to the CPA Australia NFP Conference 2018
Speaking at CPA Australia’s Not-for-Profit Conference in Melbourne, the ACNC Commissioner the Hon Dr Gary Johns, highlighted his vision and priorities for the national charity regulator over the coming five years.
Commissioner Dr Gary Johns speaks about the importance of data
Speaking today at CPA Australia’s Not-for-Profit Conference in Melbourne, the ACNC Commissioner the Hon Dr Gary Johns, highlighted his vision and priorities for the national charity regulator over the next five years.
Charity concerns increasing: national regulator
Concerns about Australian charities rose by 42% in 2017, according to a new report released today by the national charity regulator.
ACNC is working with RSLs to restore confidence
ACNC is working with RSLs to restore confidence
ACNC registers 177 new charities in January
News Article ACNC registers 177 new charities in January