Did you know our comprehensive data shows Australia’s charity sector employs more than 10 per cent of the workforce? You’ll find a wealth of information about the sector via our Charity Data Hub.
In this month's Commissioner's Column, Sue Woodward AM welcomes everyone to 2024 and explains how accurate charity reporting contributes to the big picture.
The ACNC's monthly e-newsletter, The Charitable Purpose, has news and information for the charity sector. The January edition has now been sent to all charities and subscribers.
The ACNC has published a new registration decision summary, outlining key factors it considered in determining an organisation’s eligibility to be registered as a charity, with the subtype of ‘advancing social or public welfare.’
In this month's Commissioner's Column, Sue Woodward AM talks about the findings from our recent round of compliance reviews and encourages charities to reflect on the recommendations.
The ACNC's monthly e-newsletter, The Charitable Purpose, has news and information for the charity sector. The February edition has now been sent to all charities and subscribers.
As the national regulator of charities, the ACNC is committed to supporting charities to understand and meet their ongoing ACNC obligations, and will not hesitate to act where there is a risk of harm to the public or serious wrongdoing.