In this month's Commissioner's Column, Sue Woodward AM speaks about the importance of accurate reporting in relation to Key Management Personnel remuneration.
The ACNC is reminding people to complete their online governance short course before 10 August, to avoid losing their progress.
Explore The Community Well, a free online resource hub by Benefolk Foundation, offering over 100 wellbeing and resilience tools to support Australia's not-for-profits, charities, and social enterprises in managing mental health and preventing burnout.
Key management personnel (KMP) are senior decision-makers in a charity, such as board members and senior staff. Their remuneration includes wages, benefits, and post-employment benefits. Reporting requirements vary by charity size and financial statement type. Our guidance can help your charity understand its reporting obligations.
Charities must manage related party transactions to avoid conflicts of interest. All charities (except Basic Religious Charities) must report these transactions in their Annual Information Statement. Our guidance can help your charity understand what related party transactions are and how to manage them.