List of charities recently registered with the ACNC.
Contact details for the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
This page details the ACNC's senior leadership.
Use this template when recording minutes for a meeting of your charity's governing body (such as a board meeting).
The ACNC's register of gifts, hospitality or other benefits. All public service agency heads must publicly disclose all gifts or benefits accepted and valued at or over A$100 (excluding GST).
The Sector Forum membership comprises invited representatives of the charity sector. The forum is an important part of the ACNC’s stakeholder consultation mechanism.
Video: Signing up to the ACNC Charity Portal and accessing the ACNC Charity Portal
Video: Signing in to the ACNC Charity Portal
If you are having trouble logging in to the Charity Portal, please follow our instructions for signing in to the Charity Portal or getting a new password. If you can't see your charity listed when you log in, follow our instructions to have someone else at the charity add you.
The Governing Charities online learning content is designed to support leadership and accountability in the charity sector. If you are on the board or committee of a charity, or in another leadership role, it will boost the skills and expertise you need to effectively perform the role.