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Some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations are registered as corporations under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) (CATSI Act). These corporations are regulated by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).

Some of these corporations were also recognised (endorsed) by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as charities. If they were endorsed by the ATO before 3 December 2012, they were automatically registered as charities with the ACNC. If not automatically registered as a charity, your corporation may have recently registered or be thinking of registering as a charity with the ACNC.

Registered under the CATSI Act as a corporation, as well as with the ACNC as a charity

If your organisation is registered under the CATSI Act as a corporation, as well as with the ACNC as a charity, ORIC continues to be your corporate regulator. ORIC and the ACNC are working together and your corporation can continue to operate and report to ORIC like it has always done.

Having your corporation’s profile on the ACNC Register is an added advantage. The ACNC Register is publicly available and used by volunteers, donors, funding bodies and governments. Your corporation will also receive a certificate of registration which can be used to show your charity registration.

If your corporation meets all requirements under the CATSI Act and maintains entitlement to be registered as a charity, it will meet its ongoing obligations with the ACNC.

ACNC obligation

What does my organisation need to do?

Maintain ongoing entitlement to registration as a charity
  • Remain not-for-profit
  • Have a charitable purpose
  • Be for the public benefit
  • Meet other requirements for registration as a charity
Read about maintaining ongoing entitlement to registration
Notify the ACNC of certain changes Continue to notify ORIC of changes to your corporation. ORIC will share these changes with the ACNC. There are some optional changes about your corporation’s charity status that you can notify the ACNC of.
Keep records Continue to follow record-keeping obligations under the CATSI Act.
Report to the ACNC each year Continue to report to ORIC as usual. ORIC will share these reports with the ACNC.
Comply with Governance Standards Continue to follow directors’ duties under the CATSI Act.

Contact ORIC for information about registering an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation, running a corporation, compliance with the CATSI Act, applying for exemptions or deregistering a corporation.

Reporting to ORIC will also meet your reporting obligations to the ACNC until at least the 2023-24 reporting period.

You can update most of your charity's details with ORIC.

Contact the ACNC for information about who can register as a charity, the registration process, and ongoing obligations to the ACNC.

If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and would prefer assistance from an Aboriginal Liaison Officer, tell us when you contact us and we will arrange this for you.

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