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We hold regular webinars covering topics relevant to registered charities and the wider not-for-profit sector. Our webinars are free and interactive. They are designed to provide charities with information and guidance to help them operate effectively, avoid pitfalls and comply with requirements.

Upcoming webinars

How to participate in an ACNC webinar

We use third-party software called GoToWebinar. You can participate from your computer or your mobile device (smart phone or tablet).

If you are going to use your phone or tablet to join one of our webinars, you might need to download the free GoToWebinar app, available from all app stores. You can download the GoToWebinar app for Android, Apple or Windows.

To register for a webinar, click the 'Register' link for the webinar you want to join.

You will be taken to the GoToWebinar website to complete the registration - it only takes a minute.

All webinars start at 12pm (Melbourne time) unless specified otherwise. Please note that the dates and sessions listed are subject to change.

Completed webinars




Changes to charity size and reporting thresholds

Our February webinar examined in detail recently-announced changes to charity size and reporting thresholds which will come into effect in coming months. The changes will soon see thousands of charities re-classified - particularly from medium-sized to small - with their reporting obligations to the ACNC to change so they more appropriately match the size of their operations. Our webinar looked at the changes and what they mean for your charity.


Welcoming new Responsible People to your charity

With many charities holding AGMs and welcoming new board or committee members, our September webinar looked at how to properly induct new Responsible People, as well as emphasising the vital role they have in a charity's governance. The webinar provided practical guidance and tips for successful charity induction programs, and examined ACNC Governance Standard 5 - the Standard which establishes the key duties for Responsible People.




Feedback, questions or comments?

Please get in touch with us at to provide any feedback, ask a question or let us know about your webinar experience.