Volunteers help charities in many ways - from preparing food, visiting elderly people, to being a board member.
Internal disputes within a charity are disagreements between individuals or groups about the charity's activities, decisions or policies.
A charity's legal structure affects many things, such as its legal identity, its governance structure, who is liable for its debts and its specific responsibilities.
The National Standard Chart of Accounts (NSCOA) is a free data entry tool and data dictionary for charities and other not-for-profit organisations.
A company limited by guarantee (CLG) is a type of legal structure that is common for a charity.
See Ancillary fund
See Ancillary fund
Ancillary funds are funds that provide a link between people who want to donate and organisations that can receive tax deductible donations (deductible gift recipients, or DGRs).
Model rules are a type of governing document.
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission administers a number of pieces of legislation.