We recently spoke with registered charity Concern Welfare Australia Inc. about their work, the milestone they're celebrating this year and how the charity sets its priorities.
Today the national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), announced that it has revoked the charity registration of 1,244 charities for repeatedly failing to meet their reporting obligations.
In this edition of the Commissioner's Column, the Hon Dr Gary Johns discusses the revocation of 'double defaulter' charities, the 2019 Annual Information Statement, governance resources and more.
Registered charity Aussie Helpers confirmed it has entered into a compliance agreement with the ACNC to address concerns raised about the charity’s governance.
In this edition, the Hon Dr Gary Johns discusses meeting and engaging with the sector, the upcoming Governance Institute's Not-for-profits Forums, October's International Charity Fraud Awareness Week and more.
We recently spoke with registered charity the Gidget Foundation Australia about their programs, their ultimate goal and their most exciting developments.
In this edition, the Hon Dr Gary Johns discusses changes to reporting requirements for incorporated associations, annual general meetings, Charity Fraud Awareness Week and more.
In this edition, the Hon Dr Gary Johns discusses how charities can protect themselves from fraud, the CPA not-for-profit scholarship program and the upcoming ACNC webinars.
Australian charities generate more than $140 billion each year, significant income which can leave them vulnerable to fraud if adequate financial and governance controls are not in place. ACNC Commissioner the Hon Dr Gary Johns explains the risks of charity fraud and counter-measures for charities.