All registered charities are required to report annually to the ACNC in the Annual Information Statement, which includes a section on charity finances. Medium and large sized charities must also submit an annual financial report.
The ACNC Commissioner is a statutory office holder appointed to administer the ACNC Act.
See Charity subtype
Administration costs are generally understood to be costs that are not directly incurred by a charity in delivering its services.
A charity can make a surplus, providing it is used to further its charitable purposes.
Charities should put in place good standards of governance and accountability to manage and reduce the risk of terrorism financing, fraud and other forms of abuse.
See Risk management
An Address For Service is the primary address to which the ACNC will send a charity all correspondence.
Members of the public can raise concerns about a registered charity with the ACNC. The ACNC takes all concerns seriously, and investigates where appropriate.
A charity's governing document sets out its charitable purpose, that it operates on a not-for-profit basis and how its governing body makes decisions and consults members.