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Governance Standard 6 requires charities to take reasonable steps to become a participating non-government institution if they are, or are likely to be, identified as being involved in the abuse of a person:

  • in an application for redress made under section 19 of the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018 (Cth) (Redress Act), or
  • in information given in response to a request from the National Redress Scheme Operator (the Secretary of the Department of Social Services) under section 24 or 25 of the Redress Act.

This could include, for example, a registered charity that was named in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse but may not have been identified so far in a redress application.

Purpose of this standard

The purpose of this standard is to maintain and enhance public trust and confidence in the Australian charity sector by ensuring that a registered charity’s governance enables it to be accountable for its past conduct relating to institutional child sexual abuse.

Ways to meet this standard

A registered charity will be affected only if it is, or is likely to be, identified as being involved in the abuse of a person.

Common steps a registered charity can take to meet the Governance Standard 6 may include:

  • becoming a participating non-government institution within six months of the relevant redress application relating to the charity being made or within six months of the charity being identified in a response to a request for information under the Redress Act
  • agreeing to participate in the Redress Scheme for the purposes of paragraph 115(3)(c) of the Redress Act, so that the charity can become a participating non-government institution within six months, and
  • acting on requests made by officers of the Redress Scheme relating to the charity’s participation in the scheme without delay.

Once a registered charity has become a participating non-government institution, it is subject to the Redress Scheme.

Find out how to participate in the Redress Scheme.

How the ACNC will approach this standard

We will investigate breaches of Governance Standard 6 when it is bought to our attention, including by the National Redress Scheme Operator (the Secretary of the Department of Social Services), that a registered charity is, or is likely to be, identified as being involved in the abuse of a person and does not appear to be taking reasonable steps to participate in the Redress Scheme.

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