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In another big win for red tape reduction, charities registered with the ACNC who plan to fundraise in Queensland no longer need to register separately with the QLD Office of Fair Trading.

From May 1, 2023, charities intending to fundraise in Queensland only need to notify the QLD Office of Fair Trading by submitting a Charity ACNC Registration Notification form.

ACNC Commissioner, Sue Woodward AM welcomed the development, saying removing unnecessary regulatory burdens helps charities keep their focus on helping others.

“Australia’s fundraising laws are complex because they are different in each state and territory, and this places an enormous administrative burden on charities who fundraise across state borders. Anything that can be done to streamline processes will be a welcome relief for those charities, who can direct more of their time and resources to the people who rely on them,” Ms Woodward said.

These latest fundraising reforms follow the elimination of dual reporting requirements for charities that fundraise in Queensland and the announcement of a set of nationally consistent fundraising principles.

Ms Woodward said the ACNC has worked with all state and territory jurisdictions over the past few years to support significant red tape reduction and will continue to work with them to make further improvements.

“One of the ACNC’s objects is to promote the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations, and that’s why these announcements are welcomed. This latest development in Queensland is a promising sign that we’re well on our way to achieving a more streamlined regulatory environment,” Ms Woodward said.

See more about the ACNC’s red tape reduction here.