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Charities are being urged to go to the hub for highly practical guidance and tips to help make the process of completing the 2022 Annual Information Statement (AIS) simple, and to find out about some recent changes to their reporting obligations.

Director Reporting, Red Tape Reduction and ACNC Corporate Services Mel Yates said the hub is especially useful this year, as charities need to understand some recent changes.

“There are new charity size thresholds, and for large charities, there are new requirements to report salaries and remuneration of some of their leaders – key management personnel such as their CEOs or board members. The hub contains information and resources that explain those changes, as well as a wealth of other useful guidance and tips,” he said.

Mr Yates said the hub also has a tool to preview the relatively new charity programs section of the AIS, so charities can become familiar with what is asked, and make the most of the opportunity to promote their work to donors, grantmakers and volunteers.

“Much of the information charities submit in the AIS is shown on the Charity Register, including information about their programs. The Register is viewed by the public millions of times each year, so it makes sense that charities fully consider the detail they provide about their programs, to highlight the vital work they do to the public and potential supporters.”

Visit the 2022 AIS Hub.