This record-keeping checklist promotes good record-keeping practice and supports charities in meeting their ACNC obligations. It is intended as a guide and is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
Your charity should take these actions to help meet its record-keeping obligations.
Keep financial and operational records
Does your charity:
- have a policy about record-keeping that includes which records it keeps, how they are kept securely and who is responsible for doing so?
- have records that show all of its financial transactions?
- have records that show who made operational decisions and how they were made?
- have records that show charity activities?
Keep records in English, or in a form that can be easily translated into English
Can your charity:
- quickly translate its records into English if needed?
Have a system or process for record-keeping
Does your charity:
- have a specific role encompassing responsibility for record-keeping?
- have other staff, volunteers or board members who have had training on the record-keeping system and process?
- have a procedure that describes how records (for example: written, print-outs or electronic) are kept and secured, as well as who is responsible for record-keeping?
Keep records in a way that are readily accessible
Does your charity:
- have a record-keeping policy that describes where its records are kept and who is responsible for them?
- have a record-keeping procedure that describes its filing system and how its is maintained?
Secure any sensitive records
Does your charity:
- have a record-keeping policy that describes how sensitive records are kept securely, as well as who is authorised to access those records?
Back up any electronic records
Does your charity:
- keep a back-up of records at a secure site located separately from its computers?
- ensure its cloud-based systems and records are secure and backed up?
- print out only the records it needs to?
Retain and organise paper records
Does your charity:
- ensure paper copies of important electronic records are retained when appropriate?
- organise paper records into files, boxes, folders or envelopes?
- separate different paper records into categories (bank statements, communication, bills, receipts)?
- separate paper records by reporting periods (financial years)?
Keep all records for seven years
Does your charity:
- have a record-keeping policy that includes the requirement to keep all records for seven years?
- have enough storage space (including electronic storage) to keep records for seven years?
Report to other regulatory bodies which have their own record-keeping requirements
Has your charity:
- ensured its record-keeping policy complies with state or Commonwealth legislation, statutory contracts or accreditation requirements?
- ensured its board receives at least an annual update of whether it is meeting record-keeping requirements?
If your charity can tick these off, and follows good record-keeping practices, it is likely to meet ACNC record-keeping obligations.