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One of the ACNC's objects is to 'promote the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations on the Australian not-for-profit sector'.

The ACNC works within the Commonwealth Government’s Regulator Performance Framework to reduce the cost of unnecessary or inefficient regulation – ‘red tape’.

Red tape reduction

The ACNC’s work on reducing red tape includes:

  • sharing charity information with other government agencies to build a ‘report once, use often’ framework for charities using the ACNC 'Charity Passport'
  • streamlining reporting for charities regulated by other Commonwealth bodies
  • harmonising ACNC regulatory requirements with the numerous state and territory laws that cover charities
  • commissioning research on red tape reduction in the not-for-profit sector to inform our work, and
  • providing guidance and advice to charities to help them meet their regulatory obligations.

Red tape reduction and charity structure

This table outlines the progress the ACNC has made in reducing red tape for charities based on a charity's structure.

Click on any link in the table to view further information on any streamlined reporting arrangement.

Annual Reporting Obligations
Can charities report once through the ACNC? Will the ACNC financial reporting requirements satisfy the other regulator? Has the annual reporting fee been waived?

Companies also registered with ASIC

Tick icon

Tick icon

Tick icon

Companies also registered with ORIC




Ancillary Funds

Tick icon Tick icon 1 N/A

Tas Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

SA Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

ACT Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

Vic Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon
NSW Incorporated Associations Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon
NT Incorporated Associations Tick icon Tick icon 2 Tick icon

WA Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

Qld Incorporated Associations

Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

1 Note that small ancillary funds are still required to have their financial statements reviewed or audited to ensure compliance with the ancillary fund guidelines. These financial statements do not need to be submitted to the ACNC.

2 To take part in the streamlined reporting arrangement in the NT, small charities need to provide the ACNC with the financial report that they would normally prepare for Licensing NT.

Red tape reduction and charitable fundraising

This table outlines the progress the ACNC has made in reducing red tape for charities that engage in fundraising activities that are regulated by state and territory agencies. Note that the information below does not include gaming activities (such as running raffles).

Click on any link to view further information on any streamlined reporting arrangement.

Licensing requirements Annual reporting obligations
Do charities need to apply separately for a fundraising license? Do charities need to apply separately to renew a fundraising license? Can charities report once through the ACNC? Will ACNC financial reporting requirements satisfy the other regulator?

South Australia

Cross icon 1 Cross icon 1 Tick icon Tick icon

Australian Capital Territory

Cross icon Cross icon

Tick icon

Tick icon


Tick icon 2

Cross icon Tick icon Tick icon
Victoria Cross icon 3 Cross icon 3 Tick icon Tick icon

Western Australia

Tick icon Cross icon Tick icon Tick icon 4

New South Wales

Tick icon 5 Tick icon 5 Tick icon Tick icon
Queensland Cross icon 6 Tick icon Tick icon Tick icon

Northern Territory




1 Charities can choose to notify South Australia of their intention to fundraise through the ACNC's registration application form or the Annual Information Statement.

2 Charities that are companies or incorporated associations registered in Tasmania do not need to apply separately for a fundraising license.

3 Charities need to notify Consumer Affairs Victoria that they are registered with the ACNC.

4 WA still require small charities to prepare financial statements. However, these statements do not need to be reviewed or audited. These financial statements do not need to be submitted to the ACNC.

5 Charities can access a streamlined application and renewal process with NSW Fair Trading.

6 Charities need to notify the Office of Fair Trading that they are registered with the ACNC.

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