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The Governance Toolkit is a collection of resources that will help charities manage four important risk areas:

  • financial abuse
  • cyber security
  • working with partners
  • safeguarding vulnerable people.

Each topic contains a comprehensive guide to the topic and other resources that can be used to help manage risks.

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is a term that covers a number of issues, including possible instances of bribery and corruption, financial fraud, and improper use or misappropriation of charity funds.

It is critically important that all charities have an understanding of financial abuse and are confident that they have the knowledge and processes to be able to mitigate risks and address issues.

The Governance Toolkit resources for financial abuse include:

  • a comprehensive guide and accompanying topic assessment
  • a template document for a risk assessment
  • a checklist.

Cyber security

All charities are vulnerable to cyber security risks – including unauthorised access to information, hacking, data breaches, viruses and phishing.

Recognising issues of cyber security and how they may affect operations is crucial for all charities. It is just as important that charities know how to best mitigate the risks of cyber security and can address issues that arise.

The Governance Toolkit resources for cyber security include:

  • a comprehensive guide and accompanying assessment
  • a template document for maintaining a register of assets
  • a template document for planning a response to a data breach
  • a checklist.

Working with partners

Many charities develop working relationships with partners – from other charities and not-for-profits to businesses, commercial enterprises and suppliers.

Charities must ensure their relationships with partners are well planned, supported by a solid written agreement and pursue the agreed charitable purposes. It is important that charities are aware of the risks that may come with a partnership and are confident that they have the right processes and procedures to manage a successful one.

The Governance Toolkit resources for working with partners include:

  • a comprehensive guide and accompanying assessment
  • a template document for monitoring a partnership
  • a list of important considerations for a partnership.

Safeguarding vulnerable people

Safeguarding is protecting the welfare and human rights of people that are, in some way, connected with a charity or its work. It is part of a charity’s primary duty of care.

Charities must be able to recognise vulnerability – in its staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and partners – and know how to mitigate risks. It is also critically important that every charity responds to incidents of safeguarding appropriately.

The Governance Toolkit resources for safeguarding includes:

  • a comprehensive guide and accompanying assessment
  • a template document policy
  • a template document to create a plan for responding to an incident
  • a checklist.
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